And his way

Petr: I don't consider myself a healer, but I believe in the power of herbs

Petr is a recognized shaman in Asia and gained experience during his travels in India and

Zrozen z hlíny a rosy: Příběh muže, jehož životní vášní se staly bylinky

Již od útlého věku ho fascinovala tajemná síla přírody. Malý chlapec trávil hodiny pozorováním drobných zázraků, které se odehrávaly v parcích a na záhoncích za domem. Obdivoval dokonalou souhru flóry a fauny, vnímal skryté souvislosti a neviditelné nitky, které propojovaly všechny živé tvory.

Jeho fascinace rostlinami, a bylinkami zvlášť, se s každým rokem prohlubovala. Zvědavost ho hnala do starých herbářů a k moudrým bylinkářkám, které ho zasvěcovaly do tajů léčivých rostlin. Z chlapce se stal muž, oddaný svému poslání - pomáhat druhým s pomocí darů, které skýtá matka Země.

Dnes je z něj uznávaný bylinkář, jehož znalosti a laskavost pomohly nespočetným lidem. Svou práci vnímá jako poslání, které mu dává smysl a naplňuje ho hlubokou pokorou. V jeho očích se zrcadlí moudrost staletí a jeho ruce, zbarvené hlinou a rosou, s něžnou péčí sklízejí dary, které nám příroda tak štědře nabízí.

Příběh muže, jehož životní láskou se staly bylinky, je příběhem o hlubokém spojení s přírodou, o neutuchající touze po poznání a o nezištné touze pomáhat. Je to příběh, který inspiruje a probouzí v srdcích lidí úctu k zázrakům, které nás obklopují.

And how did he become a shaman? “I wandered aimlessly around India and supported myself by doing side jobs, mostly for lodging and food. But I also received some salary. Gradually I got to know India and its wonderful culture. Then I anchored in New Delhi, where I settled in a better restaurant, where I started as a helper and washing dishes. But the owner noticed that I could cook and wanted me to cook a few meals for his friends. Since then, I cooked mainly Czech dishes in the Indian restaurant, which was a huge success and I earned money for the next trip. I went to Nepal and in Kathmandu I wanted to apply for a long-term visa to Tibet. I was denied this, so on their advice I tried almost every 14 days. In the meantime, however, I met my shamanic master, who was born in Czechoslovakia. I was one of the first foreigners allowed to take the shamanic exams. I had to pass the entrance exams first to be allowed to see the elder. But when they saw that I knew a lot about herbs, nature and shamanism and that I was better prepared than many Nepalese students, my master was then allowed to fully initiate me into the secrets of shamanism," recalls Petr about life in Asia.

He would not have returned to his homeland, but he felt that his mission was to spread what he had learned
skills in their homeland. "There are a lot of shamans in Nepal and India. He was not in the Czech Republic
at that time the only one, that's why I had the need to return and pass it on to ours
people," he recalls. Since he no longer lives among the holy men of Nepal, he had to
adapt to normal life in our latitudes.

After returning to his homeland, he encountered harsh reality and misunderstanding more than once. He had to
start from scratch, support himself by odd jobs, and even lived for a time on
street. "But a person appeared who gave me a helping hand and I am with him
until now," says the man of many professions and interests, whose original occupation is a car mechanic.
Thanks to his own experience, he would prefer to help people who find themselves on the sidelines
society and they don't want or can't live in the set system. "If I was
obnoxiously rich, i would buy land and build a community for people without
a home where they would be self-sufficient and self-helpful. I would like that," he concluded.

He does not impose his shamanic abilities and acquired skills on anyone. People to him
they come alone and there are not a few of them. He will sense their problem immediately. From everything
therefore, the most difficult thing for Peter was to learn to say no. "I don't consider myself
the healer. The body can naturally heal itself, but sometimes it needs it
to help and change, for example, just the way of life, in short, the way of thinking so far,"
emphasizes. "If a person really wants to get well, I can guide him to a new one
path and herbs are excellent helpers. Each of us here on earth has a given task and we are also given different life spans. That's why even I can't fight death," concluded the shaman.